Advertising is responsible for the various levels in achieving the goals of sales promotion (sales promotion), specified by the manufacturer. Advertising (ads) to introduce new products to potential customers. Advertising also encourages new customers to the products of the old. Advertising other than that also can be a stimulant / stimulation in slow periods (off seasons).

Advertising plays an important role in providing all types of information about products old and new, to the consumer. Perhaps there are many false and exaggerated information as well. But if consumers are a little cautious and smart, so he can express what's right and where the yag is not true, and then make the right choice.

Statement that the advertisement is a social waste is not applicable in this modern era. Advertisement has become an inseparable part of our lives today. It provides a wealth of information about products to consumers. Advertising provides jobs for copy writers, painters, artists and other specialists. Advertising to build a more healthy competition in the market so will ensure a healthy business development. Advertising (ad)

is a major revenue source for newspapers, radio, television, etc. so that advertising is not a social pemborosoan.

Advertising simplify the selection of commodities to consumers. They can easily select items (goods) on the basis of comparative advantages and disadvantages. In this case also save time consumer advertising.

Adveritising inspire consumers to buy products that are advertised, where to buy, consumers often work harder and longer to increase their purchasing power, so that will improve their living standards as well. In general, advertise goods (goods) is a guarantee of quality, every manufacturer or producer to do all his best efforts to improve the quality of its products to have better value and to memangkan ad war with its competitors
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